AkhandanandaBholanath DidimaGurupriya Didi Paramananda
HaribabaBhaijiGopinath Kaviraj
Br PanudaSwami KeshavanandaNarayan-Swami
Swami Nirvanananda
Br Tanmayananda
Ma’s devotee Br. Tanmayanandaji (Hirooda) who had surrendered unconditionally at Ma’s feet is no longer with us. He became one with Ma on the 4th of May, 2013 at a ripe age of 97-98 yrs. Br. Hiroo was the only son of a rich Zamindar of Saam Gram of Kumilla District in East Bengal/Bangla Desh. He was in the fourth year of his studies in a Medical College in Chittagong when his destiny made him go to Narayana temple in the same district where he had his first darshan ofMa. A great Love for the Divine Mother rose in his heart and he desired to forego worldly pleasures and wealth and become a mendicant. He took shelter at Shree Shree Ma’s feet in the first half of the 4th decade of the 20th century. Ma accepted him in the Ashram.
Hiroo da was the first mantra Shishya of 108 Muktananda Giriji Maharaj. He had given his service at many Ashrams like Ballygunj (Kolkata) and Kishenpur (Dehradun). He used to perform puja at the Shiva temple and Matri Mandir in Kishenpur. Not only this, he had performed a unique function as pujari during Ma’s Janmotsav in 1959. When Ma, instead of lying down in Bhava as usual, was seen walking, the pujari continued to perform his duty and completed the Arati. His sister Jyoti was in Kanypeeth and earned ‘name and fame for herself. Later she joined Grihasth (house-holder’s) Ashram. He took the name of Tanmayananda after he completed Naishthik Brahmachari Vrata. We all remember his single minded devotion towards kirtan. He gave himself totally to whatever he sang and transported his listeners to a higher world. After Brahmanandaji (Vibhuda), Tanmayanandaji was given the responsibility of singing ‘Hey Bhagwan’ during Samyam Mahavrata which he carried out very efficiently. No one who visited Agarpara Ashram can ever forget his dedicated enthusiastic reminders about Ma’s Lila, Shree Ma’s sayings and teachings.
He regaled children with stories of Ma. Thus he brought cheer to all. His lastjoumey too was beautiful. His last wish was fulfilled by the Grace ofMa and the farsight of Her devotees. Though he was admitted in the ICU and was on a ventilator, insightful and caring devotees brought him out of the ICU on the 3rd of May and took him to Agarpara Ashram. There was kirtan the whole night. All the pujas and Bhog next day and Bhandara went obstacle-free, smoothly. Only after everything was over, even so that he was given Ma’s prasad (made to touch his mouth) did he finally leave his mortal body for a Divine Abode at Ma’s feet. Our pranama to such a fine soul.
From Amrita Varta July 2013.