First She said: “When I come out, everyone can come to Me, especially all of you foreigners. I always play with you people. I keep on playing with everybody. I can play with you any way I like.“
Then the words which had confused and left me wanting were correctly translated by Rameshji.
She had said: If you have anything left out, which you have not given to me, then you have that (or can go that way). Otherwise you are completely mine.“
The answers to the many questions that are put to Her come not as the result of deliberate thought but as a spontaneous pouring forth of an intuitive understanding.
“Why does not the Mother answer to the cry of Her children?” She was once asked.
Immediately without a moment’s deliberation, rang Her voice – “Pitaji, Pitaji”. There was no response to Her call.
Once more She called and someone stood up in the hall and responded. She laughed and She laughs with the whole of Her being, and triumphantly said –
“You did not answer, because you thought I was not serious in calling you. But you answered when you realized that I was calling you. Likewise the great Mother knows when Her children are at play and when they really need Her.
They call Her often without really wanting Her.
But when they fall and, are hurt and cry for Her help, She answers immediately.”
One is reminded of Christ’s teaching – “Ask and ‘it shall be given you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you.” But this asking, seeking and knocking must be genuine, must out of the depths of our being; only when there is this integral demand, will there be an appropriate answer.
Q. Ma, we feel it awfully boring to have such a crowd pestering us with tales of their domestic troubles and worries.
A. Because you feel that your own body and theirs are distinctly separate. As you do not feel the weight of your head, of hands and fit, of so many fingers and toes, of legs and thighs, to be a burden nor a heavy load upon yourself because you feel they are but vital parts of your own body, so do I feel that these persons are all organic members of THIS BODY; So I don’t feel their pressure nor find their worries weighing upon me.. Their joys and sorrows, problems and .their solutions, I feel to be vitally mine. Their acts and awards, too, are essentially mine. I have no ego-sense nor conception of separateness.
Each one of you have the “height and depth of eternity” in me equally.
These experiences of Mother, quoted above, find their echoes in these lines: – (Hindi):
“How wonderful; In Me, the shoreless expanse of My Being, the ripples individual Selves rise, strike each other down, play about for some time and then finally merge themselves into Me according to their nature.”