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1. Om Matre Namah.

2.Om Hridayavasinyai Namah.
Hriday = heart, Vasini = She who resides

3.Om Sanatanyai Namah.
Sanatani = The Eternal one.

4.Om Anandamayai Namah.
Anandamayi = Bliss permeated.

5.Om Bhuvana ujjalayai Namah.
Bhuvan = Universe, Ujjala = One who illuminates.

6.Om Jananyai Namah.
Janani = She who gives birth.

7.Om Shuddhayai Namah.
Shuddhya = Pure.

8.Om Nirmalayai Namah.
Nirmala = Clear, Mal = Impurity

9.Om Punyavistarinyai Namah.
She who spreads virtue all around

10. Om Rajrajeshwaryai Namah.
Rajrajeshwari = Queen of queens.

11.Om Swahayai Namah.
Swaha = Mantra uttered while offering oblations to the sacrificial fire.

12.Om Swadhayai Namah.
Swadha = Mantra uttered while offering to the departed predecessors or ancestors.

13.Om Gouryai Namah.
Gouri = Fair Complexion.

14.Om Pranavarupinyai Namah.
Pranav = OM, the audio representation of Brahman, the ultimate reality or the Supreme Being; Rupini = Representation

15.Om Saumyayai Namah.
Saumya = Pleasing.

16.Om Saumyatarayai Namah.
Saumyatara = Pleasing to a higher degree.

17.Om Satyayai Namah.
Satya = Truth.

18.Om Manoharayai Namah.
Mana = Mind; Hara = One who steals.


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19.Om Purnayai Namah.
Purna = Fullness.

20. Om Paratparayai Namah.
Paratpara = Superior to the superior.

21. Om Ravishashi kundalayai Namah.
Ravi = The sun, Shashi = The moon, Kundala =Earring. Whose earrings are the sun and the moon

22. Om Mahavyom kuntalayai Namah.
Maha = Great, Vyom = Sky, Kuntal = hair. The vast expanse of the sky are like Her hair.

23. Om Viswarupinyai Namah.
Viswa = The universe. Rupini = Assuming the form. Assuming all forms in the universe.

24. Om Aishwarya bhatimayai Namah.
Aishwarya = Riches, Bhatima = Splendour.

25. Om Madhurya pratimayai Namah.
Madhurya = Sweetness. Pratima = Image.

26. Om Mahima manditayai Namah.
Mahima = Greatness / a divine power acquired by Yogis . Mandita = attributed with.

27. Om Ramayai Namah.
Rama = Consort of Lord Vishnu / pleasing.

28. Om Manoramayai Namah.
Mana = The mind, Rama = Pleasing.

29. Om Shantyai Namah.
Shanti = Peace.

30. Om Shantayai Namah.
Shanta = Peaceful / composed.

31. Om Kshamayai Namah.
Kshama = forgiveness.

32. Om Sarva devamayai Namah.
Sarva= all, Devamayi = Abode of gods.

33. Om Sarva devimayai Namah.
Sarvadevimayi = Abode of all goddesses.

34. Om Sukhadayai Namah.
Sukh = Happines, da = One who offers. One who offers happiness.

35. Om Varadayai Namah.
Var = Boon. Varada = One who offers boons.

36. Om Bhaktidayai Namah.
Bhakti = Devotion, Bhaktida = one who provides devotional mentality.


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37. Om Jnanadayai Namah.
Jnana= Knowledge / Wisdom. Jnanada = One who gives wisdom.

38. Om Kaivalya dayinyai Namah.
Kaivalya = Eternal emancipation or final beatitude, Dayini = one who gives.

39. Om Vishwa prasavinyai Namah.
Vishwa = Universe; Prasavini = Birth giver.

40. Om Vishwa palinyai Namah.
Palini = One who looks after / sustainer.

41. Om Vishwa samharinyai Namah.
Samharini = destroyer.

42. Om Bhaktapran rupayai Namah.
Bhakta = Devotee; Pran = Life force; Rupa = Form. As a form of the life force of the devotees.

43. Om Murtimatyai Namah.
Murtimati = One who takes the form of the image.

44. Om Kripayai Namah.
Kripa = Grace.

45. Om Triloka tarinyai Namah.
Trilok = Three worlds: heaven, earth and the nether region. Tarini = Rescuer.

46. Om Karya karan bhutayai Namah.
Karya = Actions; Karan = Cause, Bhuta = Inner Principle.

47. Om Bhedabhedatitayai Namah.
Bhed = Differentiation, Abhed = Non differentiation, Atita = beyond.

48. Om Paramayai Namah.
Parama = The ultimate.

49. Om Paramadevatayai Namah.
Parama devata = The ultimate God.

50. Om Vidyayai Namah.
Vidya = Learning / wisdom.

51. Om Vinodinyai Namah.
Vinodini = Gratifier.

52. Om Yogijana ranjinyai Namah.
Yogijana = The yogis, Ranjini = Amusing.

53. Om Bhavbhayabhanjinyai Namah.
Bhav = World, Bhaya = fear, Bhavabhaya = Worldly fear. Bhanjini = Dispeller.

54. Om Mantra bijatmikayai Namah.
Mantra = Divine syllable/ sound, Bija = seed. Atmika = Self same / Inner spirit of the seed of mantra.


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55. Om Veda prakashikayai Namah.
Veda = The vedas. Prakashika = Revealer.

56. Om Nikhila vyapikayai Namah.
Nikhil = Universe, Vyapika = Pervader / encompassing.

57. Om Sagunayai Namah.
Saguna = One with qualties/ attributes.

58. Om Sarupayai Namah.
Sarupa = One with definite form.

59. Om Nirgunayai Namah.
Nirguna = One with no attributes.

60. Om Nirupayai Namah.
Nirupa = One with no form.

61. Om Mahabhavamayai Namah.
Maha = Great, bhava = Inner disposition.

62. Om Nirantarayai Namah.
Nirantara = Ever present.

63. Om Gunamadhuryai Namah.
Guna = Quality: Madhuri = Sweetness.

64. Om Parayai Namah.
Para = The ultimate reality.

65. Om Purnabrahmane Namah.
Purna = Full / totality:Brahman = The supreme reality.

66. Om Narayanaya Namah.
Nara = Human,
Ayan = Abode. Narayana = The ultimate Lord whose abode is the human heart.

67. Om Mahadevyai Namah.
Mahadevi = The supreme Goddess.

68. Om Padmanabhaya Namah.
Padma = Lotus. Nabhi = Navel. Padmanabh = Lord Vishnu sleeping on the Serpent bed on the Causal fluid. A lotus came out of His navel and Brahma the Lord of Creation is sitting on the lotus . (Once Ma identified herself with Lord Padmanabha)

69. Om Kalyai Namah.
Kali = A form of the supreme Goddess.

70. Om Bhavatapa pranashinyai Namah.
Bhava = world. Tapa = the heat of Sufferings. Pranashini = Destroyer / Dispeller.

71. Om Anandaghana murtaye Namah.
Ananda = Bliss, Ghana = Concentrated. Murti = image.

72. Om Sriyai Namah.
Shri = The goddess Laxmi / prosperity.


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73. Om Yajna atmikayai Namah.
Yajna = Offerings in the fire in the name of the gods, Atmika = the inner principle.

74. Om Puranpurushaya Namah.
Puran = The old scriptures written in verse by the sage Vyasa.
There are 18 puranas and 18 sub-puranas. The ultimate Being described by all puranas.

75. Om Nishkrodhayai Namah.
Ni = No. Krodh = Anger.

76. Om Niragayai Namah.
Ni = No. Raga = attachment / likings.

77. Om Ragadwesha vivarjitayai Namah.
Raga = liking, Dwesha = dislikings, Vivarjita = without / shaken off.

78. Om Ambayai Namah.
Amba = The goddess mother.

79. Om Ambikayai Namah.
Ambika = The mother goddess Durga.

80. Om Jagadambikayai Namah.
Jagat = World; Ambika = Mother goddess.

81. Om Nirdoshayai Namah.
Ni = no, Dosha = Vice/ disqualfications.

82. Om Swabhavasthitayai Namah.
Swa = self, Bhava = Inner state. Sthita = One who rests in.

83. Om Swakriyayai Namah.
Swa = self, Kriya = Action. Her actions are She herself.

84. Om Swarasamritayai Namah.
Swa = Self, Rasa = juice, Amrit = Nectar. She Herself is the juice of Her nectar.

85. Om Mokshada duhitre Namah.
Mokshada = Name of Ma’s mother, Duhitri = Daughter,

86. Om Vipin duhitre Namah.
Vipin = Name of Her father, Duhitri = Daughter.

87. Om Varalabdhayai Namah.
Vara = Boon from the Divine, Labdha = Attained, She came as a result of the boon granted to Her grandmother by the goddess Kali. This temple is near Her father’s house in a village called Kasba now in Tripura, a few kms from Her birthplace which is now in Bangladesh.

88. Om Prema murtaye Namah.
Prema = Love, Murti = image.

89. Om Bholanath bharyayai Namah.
Bholanath = Name of her husband Shri Ramani Mohan Chakraborty. This name Bholanath was given to him by Ma. Bholanath is also the name of Lord Shiva. Bharya = wife.

90. Om Sarvagayai Namah.
Sarva = All, Sarvaga = one who goes all over. Her life was that of a traveller all over India.


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91. Om Sahaj samadhi dhritayai Namah.
Sahaja = Natural/ Perpetual. Samadhi = Total dissolution in the divine. Dhrita = Held. She was always in a state of Perpetual samadhi.

92. Om Hemkanti vibhratyai Namah.
Hem = Gold, Kanti = Lustre. Vibhrati = Emanates. She who emanates a golden lustre.

93. Om Bhaktananda dayinyai Namah.
Bhakta = devotee, Anandam = bliss, Da-ini = giver.

94. Om Sharadindujita smitayai Namah.
Sharad = Autumn, Indu = The Moon, jita = Conquerer, Smita = Smile. One whose Smile conquers the (beatitude of the) autumn Moon

95. Om Kalpavriksh upamanayai Namah.
Kalpa vriksh = Wish fulfilling tree. The Celestial tree that grants all wishes. Upaman = similar.

96. Om Sharanagata vatsalayai Namah.
Sharan = Refuge, Agata = One who Comes, Vatsala = Kind /merciful. She is ever merciful to him who comes to take refuge in Her

97. Om Kleshapasha tarinyai Namah.
Klesh = strife / pain, Pasha = Rope of bondage, Tarini = liberator.

98. Om Hridkamal virajitayai Namah.
Hridi = Heart, Kamal = Lotus, Virajita = Resident. One who resides in the lotus of the heart.

99. Om Ananda rupinyai Namah.
Ananda = bliss, Rupini = image.

100. Om Ananda datre Namah.
Ananda = bliss, Datri = giver.

101. Om Ananda vardhanyai Namah.
Ananda = bliss, Vardhini = One who adds to.

102. Om Ananda dharinyai Namah.
Ananda = bliss, Dharini = one who holds.

103. Om Sangitpriyayai Namah.
Sangit = Song, Priya = One who loves.

104. Om Gururmatre Namah.
Guru = The mentor, Matri = Mother, She is mother as Guru.

105. Om Matri gurave Namah.
Matri = Mother. She is Guru as mother.

106. Om Tirtha vasinyai Namah.
Vasini = One who resides. The name Thirthavasini was given to Her by Her grandmother after Her birth.

107. Om Narayanyai Namah.
Narayani = The Consort (power) of Narayan.

108. Om Mahadevaya Namah.
Mahadeva = She who is the great Lord Herself.

Note-Most of the names are selected from Shree Shree Ma’s prayers,meditation mantras, pranam mantras and arati hymns routinely used in Ashrams, written and prescribed by Bhaiji. (Swami Mounananda Parvat-whose samadhi is in Almora) and other Venerable Elders of Shree Shree Ma’s spiritual family, and are part of the standard literature on Ma.


Click here for 108 Birthday Blessings Mantras compiled by Swami Bhaskarananda