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1. Om Matre Namah.
2.Om Hridayavasinyai Namah.
Hriday = heart, Vasini = She who resides
3.Om Sanatanyai Namah.
Sanatani = The Eternal one.
4.Om Anandamayai Namah.
Anandamayi = Bliss permeated.
5.Om Bhuvana ujjalayai Namah.
Bhuvan = Universe, Ujjala = One who illuminates.
6.Om Jananyai Namah.
Janani = She who gives birth.
7.Om Shuddhayai Namah.
Shuddhya = Pure.
8.Om Nirmalayai Namah.
Nirmala = Clear, Mal = Impurity
9.Om Punyavistarinyai Namah.
She who spreads virtue all around
10. Om Rajrajeshwaryai Namah.
Rajrajeshwari = Queen of queens.
11.Om Swahayai Namah.
Swaha = Mantra uttered while offering oblations to the sacrificial fire.
12.Om Swadhayai Namah.
Swadha = Mantra uttered while offering to the departed predecessors or ancestors.
13.Om Gouryai Namah.
Gouri = Fair Complexion.
14.Om Pranavarupinyai Namah.
Pranav = OM, the audio representation of Brahman, the ultimate reality or the Supreme Being; Rupini = Representation
15.Om Saumyayai Namah.
Saumya = Pleasing.
16.Om Saumyatarayai Namah.
Saumyatara = Pleasing to a higher degree.
17.Om Satyayai Namah.
Satya = Truth.
18.Om Manoharayai Namah.
Mana = Mind; Hara = One who steals.
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19.Om Purnayai Namah.
Purna = Fullness.
20. Om Paratparayai Namah.
Paratpara = Superior to the superior.
21. Om Ravishashi kundalayai Namah.
Ravi = The sun, Shashi = The moon, Kundala =Earring. Whose earrings are the sun and the moon
22. Om Mahavyom kuntalayai Namah.
Maha = Great, Vyom = Sky, Kuntal = hair. The vast expanse of the sky are like Her hair.
23. Om Viswarupinyai Namah.
Viswa = The universe. Rupini = Assuming the form. Assuming all forms in the universe.
24. Om Aishwarya bhatimayai Namah.
Aishwarya = Riches, Bhatima = Splendour.
25. Om Madhurya pratimayai Namah.
Madhurya = Sweetness. Pratima = Image.
26. Om Mahima manditayai Namah.
Mahima = Greatness / a divine power acquired by Yogis . Mandita = attributed with.
27. Om Ramayai Namah.
Rama = Consort of Lord Vishnu / pleasing.
28. Om Manoramayai Namah.
Mana = The mind, Rama = Pleasing.
29. Om Shantyai Namah.
Shanti = Peace.
30. Om Shantayai Namah.
Shanta = Peaceful / composed.
31. Om Kshamayai Namah.
Kshama = forgiveness.
32. Om Sarva devamayai Namah.
Sarva= all, Devamayi = Abode of gods.
33. Om Sarva devimayai Namah.
Sarvadevimayi = Abode of all goddesses.
34. Om Sukhadayai Namah.
Sukh = Happines, da = One who offers. One who offers happiness.
35. Om Varadayai Namah.
Var = Boon. Varada = One who offers boons.
36. Om Bhaktidayai Namah.
Bhakti = Devotion, Bhaktida = one who provides devotional mentality.
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37. Om Jnanadayai Namah.
Jnana= Knowledge / Wisdom. Jnanada = One who gives wisdom.
38. Om Kaivalya dayinyai Namah.
Kaivalya = Eternal emancipation or final beatitude, Dayini = one who gives.
39. Om Vishwa prasavinyai Namah.
Vishwa = Universe; Prasavini = Birth giver.
40. Om Vishwa palinyai Namah.
Palini = One who looks after / sustainer.
41. Om Vishwa samharinyai Namah.
Samharini = destroyer.
42. Om Bhaktapran rupayai Namah.
Bhakta = Devotee; Pran = Life force; Rupa = Form. As a form of the life force of the devotees.
43. Om Murtimatyai Namah.
Murtimati = One who takes the form of the image.
44. Om Kripayai Namah.
Kripa = Grace.
45. Om Triloka tarinyai Namah.
Trilok = Three worlds: heaven, earth and the nether region. Tarini = Rescuer.
46. Om Karya karan bhutayai Namah.
Karya = Actions; Karan = Cause, Bhuta = Inner Principle.
47. Om Bhedabhedatitayai Namah.
Bhed = Differentiation, Abhed = Non differentiation, Atita = beyond.
48. Om Paramayai Namah.
Parama = The ultimate.
49. Om Paramadevatayai Namah.
Parama devata = The ultimate God.
50. Om Vidyayai Namah.
Vidya = Learning / wisdom.
51. Om Vinodinyai Namah.
Vinodini = Gratifier.
52. Om Yogijana ranjinyai Namah.
Yogijana = The yogis, Ranjini = Amusing.
53. Om Bhavbhayabhanjinyai Namah.
Bhav = World, Bhaya = fear, Bhavabhaya = Worldly fear. Bhanjini = Dispeller.
54. Om Mantra bijatmikayai Namah.
Mantra = Divine syllable/ sound, Bija = seed. Atmika = Self same / Inner spirit of the seed of mantra.
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55. Om Veda prakashikayai Namah.
Veda = The vedas. Prakashika = Revealer.
56. Om Nikhila vyapikayai Namah.
Nikhil = Universe, Vyapika = Pervader / encompassing.
57. Om Sagunayai Namah.
Saguna = One with qualties/ attributes.
58. Om Sarupayai Namah.
Sarupa = One with definite form.
59. Om Nirgunayai Namah.
Nirguna = One with no attributes.
60. Om Nirupayai Namah.
Nirupa = One with no form.
61. Om Mahabhavamayai Namah.
Maha = Great, bhava = Inner disposition.
62. Om Nirantarayai Namah.
Nirantara = Ever present.
63. Om Gunamadhuryai Namah.
Guna = Quality: Madhuri = Sweetness.
64. Om Parayai Namah.
Para = The ultimate reality.
65. Om Purnabrahmane Namah.
Purna = Full / totality:Brahman = The supreme reality.
66. Om Narayanaya Namah.
Nara = Human,
Ayan = Abode. Narayana = The ultimate Lord whose abode is the human heart.
67. Om Mahadevyai Namah.
Mahadevi = The supreme Goddess.
68. Om Padmanabhaya Namah.
Padma = Lotus. Nabhi = Navel. Padmanabh = Lord Vishnu sleeping on the Serpent bed on the Causal fluid. A lotus came out of His navel and Brahma the Lord of Creation is sitting on the lotus . (Once Ma identified herself with Lord Padmanabha)
69. Om Kalyai Namah.
Kali = A form of the supreme Goddess.
70. Om Bhavatapa pranashinyai Namah.
Bhava = world. Tapa = the heat of Sufferings. Pranashini = Destroyer / Dispeller.
71. Om Anandaghana murtaye Namah.
Ananda = Bliss, Ghana = Concentrated. Murti = image.
72. Om Sriyai Namah.
Shri = The goddess Laxmi / prosperity.
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73. Om Yajna atmikayai Namah.
Yajna = Offerings in the fire in the name of the gods, Atmika = the inner principle.
74. Om Puranpurushaya Namah.
Puran = The old scriptures written in verse by the sage Vyasa.
There are 18 puranas and 18 sub-puranas. The ultimate Being described by all puranas.
75. Om Nishkrodhayai Namah.
Ni = No. Krodh = Anger.
76. Om Niragayai Namah.
Ni = No. Raga = attachment / likings.
77. Om Ragadwesha vivarjitayai Namah.
Raga = liking, Dwesha = dislikings, Vivarjita = without / shaken off.
78. Om Ambayai Namah.
Amba = The goddess mother.
79. Om Ambikayai Namah.
Ambika = The mother goddess Durga.
80. Om Jagadambikayai Namah.
Jagat = World; Ambika = Mother goddess.
81. Om Nirdoshayai Namah.
Ni = no, Dosha = Vice/ disqualfications.
82. Om Swabhavasthitayai Namah.
Swa = self, Bhava = Inner state. Sthita = One who rests in.
83. Om Swakriyayai Namah.
Swa = self, Kriya = Action. Her actions are She herself.
84. Om Swarasamritayai Namah.
Swa = Self, Rasa = juice, Amrit = Nectar. She Herself is the juice of Her nectar.
85. Om Mokshada duhitre Namah.
Mokshada = Name of Ma’s mother, Duhitri = Daughter,
86. Om Vipin duhitre Namah.
Vipin = Name of Her father, Duhitri = Daughter.
87. Om Varalabdhayai Namah.
Vara = Boon from the Divine, Labdha = Attained, She came as a result of the boon granted to Her grandmother by the goddess Kali. This temple is near Her father’s house in a village called Kasba now in Tripura, a few kms from Her birthplace which is now in Bangladesh.
88. Om Prema murtaye Namah.
Prema = Love, Murti = image.
89. Om Bholanath bharyayai Namah.
Bholanath = Name of her husband Shri Ramani Mohan Chakraborty. This name Bholanath was given to him by Ma. Bholanath is also the name of Lord Shiva. Bharya = wife.
90. Om Sarvagayai Namah.
Sarva = All, Sarvaga = one who goes all over. Her life was that of a traveller all over India.
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91. Om Sahaj samadhi dhritayai Namah.
Sahaja = Natural/ Perpetual. Samadhi = Total dissolution in the divine. Dhrita = Held. She was always in a state of Perpetual samadhi.
92. Om Hemkanti vibhratyai Namah.
Hem = Gold, Kanti = Lustre. Vibhrati = Emanates. She who emanates a golden lustre.
93. Om Bhaktananda dayinyai Namah.
Bhakta = devotee, Anandam = bliss, Da-ini = giver.
94. Om Sharadindujita smitayai Namah.
Sharad = Autumn, Indu = The Moon, jita = Conquerer, Smita = Smile. One whose Smile conquers the (beatitude of the) autumn Moon
95. Om Kalpavriksh upamanayai Namah.
Kalpa vriksh = Wish fulfilling tree. The Celestial tree that grants all wishes. Upaman = similar.
96. Om Sharanagata vatsalayai Namah.
Sharan = Refuge, Agata = One who Comes, Vatsala = Kind /merciful. She is ever merciful to him who comes to take refuge in Her
97. Om Kleshapasha tarinyai Namah.
Klesh = strife / pain, Pasha = Rope of bondage, Tarini = liberator.
98. Om Hridkamal virajitayai Namah.
Hridi = Heart, Kamal = Lotus, Virajita = Resident. One who resides in the lotus of the heart.
99. Om Ananda rupinyai Namah.
Ananda = bliss, Rupini = image.
100. Om Ananda datre Namah.
Ananda = bliss, Datri = giver.
101. Om Ananda vardhanyai Namah.
Ananda = bliss, Vardhini = One who adds to.
102. Om Ananda dharinyai Namah.
Ananda = bliss, Dharini = one who holds.
103. Om Sangitpriyayai Namah.
Sangit = Song, Priya = One who loves.
104. Om Gururmatre Namah.
Guru = The mentor, Matri = Mother, She is mother as Guru.
105. Om Matri gurave Namah.
Matri = Mother. She is Guru as mother.
106. Om Tirtha vasinyai Namah.
Vasini = One who resides. The name Thirthavasini was given to Her by Her grandmother after Her birth.
107. Om Narayanyai Namah.
Narayani = The Consort (power) of Narayan.
108. Om Mahadevaya Namah.
Mahadeva = She who is the great Lord Herself.
Note-Most of the names are selected from Shree Shree Ma’s prayers,meditation mantras, pranam mantras and arati hymns routinely used in Ashrams, written and prescribed by Bhaiji. (Swami Mounananda Parvat-whose samadhi is in Almora) and other Venerable Elders of Shree Shree Ma’s spiritual family, and are part of the standard literature on Ma.